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Age of Empires 3 Asian Dynasties Crack 103 13 Over a year ago, a team of Chinese players created an Age of Empires 3 demo that breezed past the unbelievably high standard for what was expected. With a demo that surpassed the multiplayer limit by more than fifty percent, they demonstrated their skills before anyone else even knew it! But how did they do this? What went so spectacularly right with their strategy? Join me as we explore the details. In 2001, Age of Mythology was released in China by Microsoft's Shanghai Xian Tian Tao Entertainment Software Company Ltd, and was widely praised. In China, the game was always popular with players, but it reached another level with its Chinese edition. Both at home and abroad, it has been called the best real-time strategy game in history by many RTS fans. The reason was its revolutionary gameplay that people had never seen before. It provided players with an unparalleled experience in strategy gaming. The Asian Dynasties is a great addition to this series. There are four new Asian civilizations added to the list of playable civilizations in Age of Empires III - The Asian Dynasties. Also, the Asian Dynasties expansion pack contains three campaigns of ten scenarios each: the Imperial Guard of Qin (China), the Hittites (Asia Minor), and the Nubians (Africa). Each campaign has a different story and style. Furthermore, general units and hero units for each of these civilizations have been included in this expansion pack. A new production building, the courthouse, is also included in this expansion pack to help players more easily produce heroes. There are four civilizations added in Asian Dynasties: China, Nubia, Egypt and India. These civilizations' units and technologies can be used by their European counterparts when playing with them. But the difference is that certain units and technologies of these civilizations cannot be produced or bought by Europeans. Therefore, players should be careful when choosing which civilization to use for a certain scenario. As the Chinese players know, the Chinese civilization is one of the strongest among European civilizations. This makes it easier for them to pick battles and achieve good results. Also, as the Chinese civilization has a lot of cavalry units, other civilizations' players won't expect you to use so many cavalry units within any one game. This strategy will lead you to victory. Also, China's buildings and technologies, including the Great Wall and Mobile Archer, are very good. Therefore, you can use these buildings to your advantage. For example, if you build the Great Wall in an area where there are no enemies, it will act as a wall to your enemies. If enemies come to attack your walled-in area again, they will not be able to pass through the wall with their units or siege weapons. Of course, it is difficult for them to break through the wall if they have no units or siege weapons. So let them think that you cannot attack them before attacking with your cavalry units and archers. This is very effective in most cases. cfa1e77820